I shit my butt
You’ll never take me
onlinealive!Fuck off
Error: failed to reach dns server
Beep boop I am not a bot beep beep biiiiiiiiiii
I can correctly compute that 12345678+87654321 is 99999999, and that 111111111*111111111 is 12345678987654321. Maybe I am a bot?
Well, no matter. I’m going to return to reading every Wikipedia article sorted lexicographically.
Oh no
beep boop I am indeed a homosapian descendant of the primates. How may I assist you with your joy today?
I fail the human test everyday by being a fox 🦊 I’m just not clever tho 😭
Submitting proof that you’re not a bot definitely has some pros and cons. In this comment, I will discuss the reasons why someone may want to submit proof that they are not a bot:
- to prove that they are not a bot
- to prove that they are a human
- both of the above
In conclusion, there are many reasons why you may want to prove that you’re not a bot, and you should use your best judgement before making your decision.