From the article:

Though it’s rarely ideal to do so, sometimes it’s just necessary to eat in your car. Maybe you’re scarfing down fast food between errands. Perhaps you’re famished partway through a long commute and need to shove something into your face. You might be brown bagging it at your job and want to get away from your workplace for a little while. Whether the result of sheer necessity under ever-intensifying capitalist constraints or plain old impatience, many Americans tend to squeeze in meals on the go.

Well, if you’re among the countless who consume in their car…and you happen to be driving near Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport when hunger strikes, we have just the place for you. Out on Layton Avenue—very close to south side stalwarts like Nite Owl and The Packing House, and in the vicinity of an abundance of fast food chains—is an unassuming parcel of pavement that’s bordered by barbwire fencing.

Though it doesn’t look like much from the road, this little lot grants motorists a front row view of takeoffs, landings, and other aviation-based happenings taking place at the airport. This otherwise average parking lot faces the airport’s runway, which sure beats trying not to make eye contact with a stranger parked beside you at Taco Bell.