I’m seeing a SBF-like trajectory for Altman here. He’s building the foundation of his public persona and business on a house of cards that will come tumbling down at some point.

The only things that are sneer-worthy are the comments from LWers, like Roko, who jump to immediate dismissal of what seems like pretty compelling testimony and evidence towards fucked up things Altman did and continues to do to his own family.

To stick with the theme of this group, here’s a sneer coming from inside the house in response to Roko’s dismissal that was primarily based on his own feels:

Bayes can judge you now: your analysis is half-arsed, which is not a good look when discussing a matter as serious as this. All you’ve done is provide one misleading statistic.

I didn’t post this to sneer, however. I think it’s pretty important information that should be known.

edit: I should also mention that Annie has a Twitter account that she’s posted some good takes, sneers and zingers on. I think she’s worth a follow and can use some support, and she has some projects that can also use support.