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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I duel degreed in undergraduate earning a BA and a BS simultaneously. The classes in my BA major used MLA and the classes in my BS major used APA. It seems like it was the same in my gen eds, arts classes tended to use MLA and science classes APA. I liked MLA better, APA wants more concise writing and I tend to be somewhat wordy. In my professional career I mostly deal with spreadsheets and autogenerated reports.

    Highschool has very limited specialization. You learn lots of stuff you’ll never use because they are trying to give students a wide base of basic knowledge and skills that will be built upon wherever you go next. It is meant to prepare you for a job or a college major but not any specific job or college major. You specialize more in the next step and the further you advance the more specialized you get.

  • It is different because sanctuary rules don’t usurp federal authority. Sanctuary rules prevent state and local authorities from enforcing federal law and cooperating with federal law enforcement for certain crimes which is legal because state and local authorities have no obligation and only a limited ability to enforce federal laws. Texas is claiming jurisdiction in a couple of areas in which jurisdiction is specifically reserved to the federal government, actively interfering with federal agencies, and taking actions that violate federal law and international treaties. Legal passive resistance vs active violent resistance.

  • They don’t exercise much power outside of their ceremonial role but they still have a huge amount of power. Everything the UK government does requires royal assent. While only used ceremonially now, the government requires the Monarch’s permission to form in the first place and the PM is appointed by the Monarch. The Monarch has the power to unilaterally dismiss the PM and disband parliament. The last time a Monarch denied assent for a bill was in 1708 when Queen Anne vetoed the Scottish Militia Bill. The last time a Monarch broke convention with the use of their powers was in 1834 when William IV dismissed the Whig PM and cabinet and appointed a conservative PM and cabinet to replace them. The last time breaking convention was publicly discussed was in 2013 to stop Brexit.

  • It spawned the greater Lucas group of companies which included LucasArts, Industrial Light & Magic, and Skywalker Sound and created THX and Pixar. It created the expanded universe model and was the primary driver behind the popularisation of sci-fi conventions. It was the first franchise to meaningfully leverage licensing for action figures, games, and other merchandise (not necessarily a good thing but maybe because it drastically increased movie budgets and production quality). It has also been a major contributor to independent film festivals, regularly hosting them at Skywalker Ranch. The innovations of the Star Wars franchise have been central to the industry for the past 40 years. Cinema and fandom would look a lot different without Star Wars.

  • I think GOG might be an exception to this, where they will never revoke access to the games you previously bought, but I am not 100% sure of their policies.

    They are, when you buy a game from gog they send you the installation files. You install and run it with your own hardware whereas with Steam and other digital gaming companies you are just getting access to the game on their servers. By sending you the installers and letting you play independently from their servers gog gives up the ability to lock you out. It’s the primary reason that they should be the first choice for where to buy a digital version of a game. The upside is that it’s the closest you can get to actually owning a digital copy of a game; the downside is that playing on another device requires that you transfer files and reinstall rather than just logging into a remote server.

  • What you’re talking about is a calculation based on the birth of John the Baptist. John the Baptist’s father was a priest in the order of Abijah and John the Baptist was conceivced with his father’s barren wife as a reward for his service in the temple. His service would have ended in June. The angel Gabriel visited Mary in the sixth month of that pregnancy to tell her that she would birth Jesus. The calculation is June + 6 = Dec + 9 = September.

    December is definitely not the correct month because the story has shepherds tending their flocks in the field. Sheep have to be brought in from the field for the winter months and would not have been in the field in December. They would have been moved to shelter no later then the end of October.

    The year is also problematic. Jesus was born during the reign of King Harrod who died in 4BCE. And during a mass killing of babies which, if it happened at all, would have occurred at least a couple of years before Harrod’s death.

    It’s also worth saying that there isn’t good evidence for Jesus having ever existed at all. It seems most likely that he did and was a reformist rabbi that the myth was built around but no one apparently wrote anything about him for a century or two after his death.