She/Her Your cute internet commie, scp nerd, trans girl, programmer and minecraft addict from east germany!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • assign my the majority of my behavior, attitude, and temperament to genetics

    this is the weird thing you do lmao pretending like it is all genetics is fucking insane in the first place.

    low vitamin d is a sickness by itself, as it for example causes depression and malfunctions in the immune system. It is quite a difference to cure people who are just autistic then to treat something that might increase the rate of autism in children. It’s not like vitamin d is the all cause of autism you know? and the end state is not the same. treating a malnutrition issue is different from removing a part of natural human variation, even if that malnutrition issue caused a intensification of that variation. Autism is for most of us simply not a disease to be treated, but a totally normal way for a person to be. It’s like trying to use gen therapy to ‘cure’ trans people. Or use it to remove black people.

    There are plenty of syndromes that exhibit both as symptoms

    autism as a symptom of a syndrome? are you okay? do you know what these words mean? this is barley a sentence

  • I’m not sure I’d conflate autism with identity. That’s overly genetic-essentialist.

    ehhh what? being autistic is a really major part of my experience as a human you know? have you talked to an autistic person before?

    Factor in how Vitamin D deficiency

    vitamin d supplements are thing you know? a thing that in the scenario you describe would be necessary anyways

    a crusade to defend epilepsy

    comparing autism and epilepsy is insane. one of them causes you to get a seizure and literally die if you are unlucky. the other doesn’t

  • It is very much a ‘we did it in mice!’ thing

    they changed some mice genes, saw that they had ASD like symptoms, and reversed that. that might not even be all that doable in humans. first of all we have a lot of genes in human associated with autism. then we have the question of whenever gen editing could reverse structural differences in an already developed brain. Then there is the problem of side effects.

    and than ethics and the little thing that many ASD people would rather not ‘cure’ autism. Like making some of the negative things go away or reduce would be nice (for example sensitivity to light), but ‘curing’ autism as a whole? nah, thanks i prefer to be me