Cuteness enjoyer.

  • 1.17K Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The best I can make of it is through deepl: it maps ぽやぽや to “carefree”, “carelessly” or “pampering”. “すぐ” precedes it meaning “immediately”, “at once”, “right away”. Taking in the context: it is done on paper and not digitally, and that there is some whiteout at the bottom. Also the hair colour goes outside the lines. All this combined makes me think that it means that the drawing was done “from a loose hand”, meaning with some pace and without excessive construction like a detailed sketch. I don’t think it is done completely without sketching though, as the top left strand of her right (our left) twintail there seems to be a sketchline the inked lines.

  • I have come to the conclusion that if you can write it you can read it, but often not the other way around (seems to be in accord with the other comments here). So I learn how to write kanji, and with that comes the ability to read kanji. You can use a website/app where you draw on the screen (I use duolingo’s kanji section). I really like actually picking up a brush/brushpen(with actual bristles) and practicing on paper. However in that case personally I focus more on the handwriting and stroke order than on learning the meaning, but it still helps.

  • This post image actually doesn’t show up for me. Lately that happens sometimes. Maybe my browsers is blocking it (hardened firefox). The two links is because the post is a direct image link and the body refers to the page it lives. It was my interpretation of their TOS that the latter one was necessary. For the post image I use a direct link so when you click on it it enlarges instead of opening a new page.