Lemmy.zip admin
Contact me via hello@lemmy.zip

  • Elsewhere: me.lemmy.zip - See my accounts across the internet
  • 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Hey, lemmy.zip admin here - what you’re seeing is a side effect of how lemmy works vs some of the stuff we do on lemmy.zip to promote communities using a tool called Lemmy Federate - basically all our communities are federated out to 27 other instances and the comments etc should pull through without issue there (reddthat, feddit uk, midwest.social etc - full list is here (currently squaredcircle@lemmy.zip is at the top) - the other instances (lemmy.ml, lemmy.world, lemm.ee etc) don’t actually know about the community because no one from those instances has subscribed, so no information is given to those instances UNTIL someone subscribes or searches it for the first time on that instance, at which point its a blank slate - its the same with users, hence why neon_carnivores comment might not show on other instances - its because they’re not aware of them as a user on lemmy.zip yet. It should balance out over time as more instances become aware of the community.

    You can see live federation stats for lemmy.zip here.

    PS - thats a really terrible explanation from me about federation on lemmy there but tl;dr its how federation on lemmy works - it just takes time until a few users are subscribed from each instance, then its good to go.

    ETA - i can see upvotes pulling through properly too now on lemmy.ml as i upvote or downvote on lemmy.zip so federation going forwards should work fine…

  • Thanks, this doesn’t pull only unread comments - if I pull the latest 5 comments and then mark those overarching posts as read, I get this:

    2024-02-02 09:52:11,278 - INFO - Requesting API Request.GET /comment/list
    2024-02-02 09:52:11,507 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9335073
    Comment ID = 6915381
    2024-02-02 09:52:11,629 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9007864
    Comment ID = 6915380
    2024-02-02 09:52:11,742 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9319139
    Comment ID = 6915382
    2024-02-02 09:52:11,916 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9334778
    Comment ID = 6915379
    2024-02-02 09:52:12,100 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9283396
    Comment ID = 6915378

    If I then pull the 5 latest comments again:

    2024-02-02 09:52:12,238 - INFO - Requesting API Request.GET /comment/list
    2024-02-02 09:52:12,380 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9335073
    Comment ID = 6915381
    2024-02-02 09:52:12,521 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9007864
    Comment ID = 6915380
    2024-02-02 09:52:12,673 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9319139
    Comment ID = 6915382
    2024-02-02 09:52:12,835 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9334778
    Comment ID = 6915379
    2024-02-02 09:52:12,977 - INFO - Requesting API Request.POST /post/mark_as_read
    Post ID = 9283396
    Comment ID = 6915378

    Which is the same 5 comments - so what I’m looking for is a way to pull only previously “unseen” comments - that would reduce the amount of data returned from the api each time i check the list if there was only 1 or 2 comments rather than returning all 25.

    Apps can indicate that there are new unread comments on a post, but I assume they’re not doing this via the api and its a UI thing to do with caching?

    I may not have explained myself clearly here, though!