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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • You know how you know when Newsom’s lying? His lips are moving. He knows Climate Change is an existential threat, but also that he’s rich, so his family won’t face the effects the way the 99% will. The closest he’ll get is his vineyard will use more water, but don’t worry, I’m sure there’s some PUC decision that will keep his water rates artificially low.

    California’s current leadership doesn’t really care about climate change, because if they did, the PUC wouldn’t disincentivize rooftop solar through NEM 3.0 and would instead offer tax credits. It’s too bad the common citizens of this state aren’t valued like the profits of Newsom’s friends at PG&E.

    Heck, if they really cared, electric vehicles would be progressively subsidized so more working class people could afford them. Instead, workers keep older ICE vehicles longer because they’re paid off (hopefully) and replacements are financially out of reach, even if they’re much cheaper to operate. It’s like housing. A reasonable mortgage payment is much cheaper than rent, but if you are paying rent, you likely don’t have the down payment to get an affordable monthly payment. A house down the street went into escrow the day after listing at $1.7 MM. The nearly identical house next door to them gets $4-5k a month in rent. How is anybody going to have enough money saved up to get their mortgage into a reasonable range, setting aside the $1500 a month for property taxes? The family living next door would need a down payment over $1MM to get even close to their current rent, which is already $50-60k a year! Just their rent is more than the median income for one person, so they likely wouldn’t qualify for a loan that’s exactly the same amount as their current rent even with that staggering down payment.

  • It’s hard to justify infiltrating activist groups like Food Not Bombs if they never plan an attack on a federal building. For a fun listen, the second season of Bundyville talks about a small group with “anti-government” leanings and how the Feds tried to encourage them to act violently. My favorite part is when one Fed texted another Fed questioning their exact plan, because the cell of five members had multiple Feds! Multiple Feds to infiltrate and influence (what’s the exact line for entrapment I wonder) a small number of people and even then they were ineffective. I guess there weren’t enough lonely autistic teens in the group.

  • The best part is by publishing this far and wide, anybody pushing for “careful consideration” and actual reasoned planning is immediately suspect, which leads to less reasoned decisions, which usually means more mistakes. If a victory is somehow won through violence of action and not careful planning, the support structure isn’t there to maintain the victory, nor are the people who win that victory well-suited to careful planning before the next engagement. The boring stuff is often what wins wars, simple things like plenty of fuel, adequate hygiene facilities, and dry socks can literally mean the difference between a division surrendering or winning a battle.

  • Also, for some hobbies/interests, there really isn’t another space. For instance, if you’re into tactical gear, there’s really not another community like r/tacticalgear. Lemmy has the promise of being free from Reddit’s admin and moderator madness, but doesn’t have the user base and neither do any other sites.

    TwoXChromosomes has the same problem, though of course it has a much wider appeal. The moderators there protested the API changes and the gradual decline of Reddit in general, but they face two bad choices, and I genuinely don’t know the right answer:

    1. Keep serving as a large and visible space for women within the confines of Reddit’s sinking ship

    2. Abandon Reddit (ship) and let Reddit powermods run a space that they may be uniquely unqualified to operate. those same powermods/admins don’t care about doing the right thing in every other sub they control, so why would they ensure that women are protected from, say, tracking their visits to Planned Parenthood and selling that data to “advertisers” or hostile governments.

    We need Reddit to truly self-destruct to ensure an Exodus, and right now it’s crumbling but not broken yet. It’s honestly sort of a mirror to society in general. We’re in the Crumbles, and every day we inch closer to the final straw that breaks the camel’s back.