Random nerd who has an interest in computers, privacy, AI, videogames, and CDs. I also like dogs and horses.

Mastodon: https://mastodon.nl/@Cambion

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • For context, I’m not someone who makes music or uses voicebanks. I just listen to a lot of music (both synthesized and not).

    I’m a bit typical I guess, because my all time favourite would be Hatsune Miku. She may not be the best from a technical perspective, but she has a charm to her voice and she has a lot of good songs (which may give me some bias). And the append design is great, I love that type of cyber look.

    Otherwise, I also quite like VY1, Eleanor Forte (SynthV), Ruby, Lily, Cyber Diva/Songman, Mo Qingxian, SeeU, and Megurine Luka. I like Gumi’s voice but somehow just can’t stand her design. I remember I was quite fond of Ring Suzune’s first demos, but they completely changed her sound before release and I kinda forgot about her after that. I also liked Sachiko, especially when used classically like in the demo. Tonio was also quite interesting (altrough I only remember the original version).

    Sinsy is probably the most uncommon one to hear nowadays that’s on my list, but the voice is just damn impressive. Even now some of those old songs sound more realistic than those from newer engines. Just listen to Magnolia for example.

    Utau I never liked to be honest. The output quality is just too low for me, even on well made voicebanks. I rather go all-in bad like using Microsoft Sam, or have more fluency. Utau is too much in between for me. But then, that’s just personal taste really.

    But to be honest, within certain limits production matters more to me than voicebanks itself. I rather have a meh voice in a well produced song that’s my taste than my favourite voicebank in a meh produced song. Perhaps that’s also why I can’t pin down to 1 voicebank that easily.

    I preffer proffesional productions, and am not very fond of things that sound too hobby-istic. In terms of songs I tend to like the classics (like Miku Miku Ni Shite Ageru), or very electronic upbeat songs (with that I mean songs like Hibikase, 39 Music!, Sweet Devil, Party Junky, and Cosmonauts).

    It also doesn’t help that I stopped following releases somewhere during Vocaloid4 (maybe early Vocaloid5, it’s been a while) and the very beginning of SynthV.

  • Yes. WhatsApp metadata is not E2EE, Signal’s is. So while Zuck can’t read your message, he knowns when you’re online, who you talk to, how often you talk to them, where you are when chatting, who are contacts in hour phone, etc. Honestly that E2EE is there more as a fake safety feeling than to protect you. Not even speaking about the closed source E2EE that you can’t check they don’t store a copy of keys from or scan before encrypting. Neither I would put above Meta.

    And even if those people still use WhatsApp with others, if they don’t with you Meta looses a lot of data about you.

    I would suggest not asking people to switch, but just telling people you don’t have WhatsApp anymore and they can reach you on Signal or send an SMS. If you keep it on the side while asking to switch barely anyone will. If you switch, well… after a year pretty much all my friends and family had switched, last few sending SMS. Sending photos en having group chats tend to get people to come over slowely one by one once they can’t fall back on WhatsApp. And while SMS isn’t encrypted, it also isn’t full of trackers. So for most regular people, they are better off as trackers are a bigger threat to them than a possible man-in-the-middle reading your messages.

    And in my experience, if you bring it with some tact and put the issue with you (i.e. I’m the crazy privacy guy") instead of them (“i.e. you shouldn’t use WhatsApp. You are stupid for not caring about privacy”) you won’t loose friend or get into fights about it.

  • My issue is more with trackers than ads anyways, altrough ads that block so much that using the site normally becomes a pain in the ass are the other extend which is sadly also getting more and more common. But sadly most websites and services that let you pay to get rid of ads will still put everything full of trackers…

    Also, there are quite some sites that just copy content or or have an AI write content, made to rank high in searches, then is putbfull of adds to make money. Those are automated money-farms, and deserve blockers.

    I block everything, ads and trackers alike. Somewhat regularily I’m on the web without and it’s always a great reminder why I normally do use them.

    But I also pay for multiple websites and services I use regularily despite them working fine without paying or having “free” alternatives. After all, nothing is free and I rather pay with money than with data. And I also want to be paid for my work, and I can only imagine so do others. So I do agree with you there, and I highly encourage people to pay for stuff.

    But I won’t feel bad for blocking that shit, also not on the websites I don’t financially support. Because most of the time they are the ones that made it impossible to use their website privacy-friendly without blocking stuff anyways, even if I’m willing to pay.

  • Last time I was on vacation alone I googled the few things I knew I wanted to see/do, and the rest of the time I just went out and see where I end up. Looking where locals go and do that is also a great trick.

    My experience is that most easily online findable things are very tourist-y. I preffer to see more of the non-tourist stuff. Knowing a local is then the best, but by lack there off, just go with the flow.

  • You can try getting your hands on an AsteroidOS compatible watch and flash it with that. It’s basically Linux on your wrist. There is a health app here and the required sensor logging is here, which are in early development but work well in what it does, like step counting and heartbeat graph. Past days aren’t shown further than a week but they are logged, so you could probably get it by hand in terminal after accessing the watch with SSH if you need to until it’s implemented (I think it’s on the to do list).

    It’s my daily watch for months now, sold my Galaxy Watch4 in favor for it. It works well, is completely FOSS, and works without internet, bluetooth, or phone. Altrough both can be enabled and phones can be connected with GadgetBridge or their own app. Both are in F-Droid. You won’t find a more privacy friendly smartwatch solution really.

    There is an issues with the current nightlies tho, so downloads are taken offline for now. So you need to wait for that or see if anyone has old files from before the issue.

    Devs are quite active on Matrix. If you have no patience you can ask there if anyone has the files. Any kind of support is also allowed there, no matter if it’s very noob or advanced level.

  • Nowadays I just wear boring old tees and jeans, with most tees being merchandise of games, computer stuff, or music. But nothing too out of the ordenary, just your average nerd. And I’m happy that way.

    When I was younger I was deep into heavy metal, especially underground black, and dressed the part. Those days, while I hold them dear, are long gone. Now I listen to nearly anything depending on my mood. Beside hardcore and related stuff, as that’ll give me a migraine. Club EDM is cool tho. My taste is now going from that old underground black metal all the way to K/J/C/V-pop with nearly anything in between. Springsteen gotta be my all time favourite artist.

  • Tfw you’re an Dutchy and simple home-prepaired sandwitches (read two slices of bread with some butter and cheese between them, nothing fancy), are the countries national breackfast and lunch. Warm food is for dinner traditionally 🤣.

    Either way, sandwitches (no need to limit to peanut butter, a lot can be put on bread!), salads (pasta or normal), fruit, veggie, cheese, and certain type of meat (like smoked or dried sausage, or beef). They all make great parts for cold meals you can keep in your bag till lunch (speaking from experience). Some cheese & meat are even packed per small packages for easy take along as snack usage.

    I would suggest you do go to restaurants a few times, just to try the local cuisine (or their variation of other cuisines). But it probably will be expensive for you indeed. Whenever I’m in Asia, I feel rich (and I’m really not). Even Japan, who is often said to be expensive, is cheaper than my country. Especially when it comes to food.

  • Yup, did the same but suggested SMS instead of email.

    Never told them to stop using things like WhatsApp (that’s generally counter productive anyways), just that I did due to privacy reasons. Most where fine with SMS, it’s on everyone’s phone and nowadays so cheap most phones plans include it unlimited (it’s all about data bundles and speed here). A year later almost everyone is on Signal after all. Easier with group chats and sending pictures, or when someone is abroad. As as soon as they got some convinience from it they installed the app. A few I still SMS. Also fine.

    As long as you’re not a jerk about it, my experience is that it’s not thát big of a deal.

  • Article says:

    We’re also beginning the beta for our upcoming macOS desktop app for Proton Drive. […] Once the macOS app is released, we’ll also work on our planned Linux version.

    Based on Proton’s trackrecord in development times I’ld say a far future, but I must admit they’ve been making meters lately when it comes to releasing stuff. It may be sooner than expected (or it might take years, we’d have to wait and see).

  • I use Astiga, which is like a private Spotify you need to fill with music yourself. I buy CDs which I rip to get music to fill it with. Leaves me with higher quality audio and no trash to filter trough while never having to worry about licencing issues removing my favourite music, and leaves artists with much more financial support than services like Spotify will ever offer.