• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • I just don’t like the concept of race at all. We are all human, full stop. The concept is useful in understanding the realities of the world we live in with regard to how people are treated based on the concept, and it’s useful for working to fix/mitigate the damage to individuals and groups based on it. Other than that it is make believe and only serves to separate us based on make believe stereotypes.

    Edit: I read about “double race” on Wikipedia, and if I understand it correctly, it has more to do with culture than with race in concept, but I still have reservations about splitting people up into broad categories and viewing that as an absolute.

    BTW, I’ve been to Japan many times and they are not wholly welcome to outsiders, so I don’t know that I would base anything on that part of their system.

  • Do they bank 8 billion dollars or does 8 billion dollars make its way from our hands to theirs. There is a difference. How much of that 8 billion goes to managing infrastructure?

    In fact:



    Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/547025/steam-game-sales-revenue/

    To be clear, I agree that the way our model works is broken. Wall street and infinite profit gains can only work so long until the system collapses, and Steam is a part of this. Some of the statements made here are just not factual and I feel the need to be pedantic, because I don’t believe that spreading misinformation will help anything. Attack CEO pay disparity or something useful and true.

    Edit: I woke up and answered you without fully reading your post. Apologies, I didn’t answer you point, because I was on a soap box. The point still stands that the revenue they make could very well be going to infrastructure costs, necessitating a charge for using their store that is on everyone’s computer. If all you have is potato servers then what quality will the store front be?

    I stand my last paragraph in the above, especially the last sentence.

  • …bruh

    That honestly sounds like a conspiracy theory. You think that a bunch of people and corporations are putting time, money and energy into these projects to break the very thing they are designed for? I really think you should do some research on exactly how the Wayland project got its start and who was involved. Spoiler, it was a bunch of Xorg developers as I understand it.

    Plus the fact that desktop Linux was already fragmented by its nature. You think they want to fragment the already fragmented thing under the pretext of improvement? Fragment it by what? Providing a newer standard that is better enough than the old, that it actually convinces most groups to adopt it.

    Its legit the opposite, but the beauty of right now is that the various fragmented Linux ecosystems (distros, desktop environments, etc) are more alive and more healthy now than ever before.

    Edit: grammar and clarity

  • I paid a little bit and met my wife on one. No idea why anyone has a problem with paying for something they use. Two children later, I would say a lifetime the woman of my dreams made the few months that I paid for the tinder subscription was worth it. There were useful features then that came with it. No idea about it now.