• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I wasn’t recommending OP to switch to an 80-character passphrase (see the very first sentence in my comment)… I was just showing that passphrases are about length and not about (real or perceived) randomness how difficult they are to memorize or type.

    Also, if I may, one shouldn’t throw terms like “unbreakable” around: security is a game where you trade usability for resilience to attacks and what how much security is enough security depends on your specific circumstances and risk profile… absolute terms like “unbreakable” picture security as something different than the compromise it is and should be left to marketing people.

    edit: (see correction above)

  • “You Know How To Scare Me Shitless” is 33 characters and a decent passphrase on its own.

    Base64 brings the length to 44 characters, but you might be better off by just using a longer passwphrase (eg. “You know how to scare me shitless and you do it every day, dear student of mine!” is 80 characters long, not much more difficult to remember that the 33-char one and way easier to type than the 44-char base64 one).

    All in all, IMHO base64 is not the best idea.

  • He said “Well thats what it says in the textbook so I have to mark it wrong”

    The mark of a great teacher. It’s nice however that he had the patience to wait for your experiment (or maybe he was expecting it to fail miserably?): no prof of mine would have went along with something like that (not to mention, I’m pretty sure we couldn’t take apart the lab PCs at our leisure).

  • Rasperry PIs have micro-HDMI outputs, so you can use those (with an appropriate cable/adapter) to hook the PI to any monitor (or to your TV) for the initial setup (you’ll also need a keyboard and - possibly - a mouse). After that, you can unplug everything and use the raspberry pi without keyboard/monitor/mouse (pi hole has a web interface).

    Note that you don’t strictly need a raspberry pi to run pi hole: any old x86 PC or a cheap thin client bought on ebay will do just as well (actually, they will most probably perform better).