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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Oof. An always online terminal with an AI that does who knows what with the things you type? I don’t think so.

    Also, Open Sourcing the client but not the server seems like marketing at best.

    A quick Wikipedia also says that they basically run on investor money. Including Sam Altman and Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn who had three massive data breaches in as many years.

    That’s a hard pass for me.

    It does look beautiful though

  • I don’t want to be too “we live in a society” but I noticed that - since I’m a man / was a boy - people in care giving roles usually assumed I want to prove myself. Because All Boys™ want to prove themselves all of the time. So it’s good to be as adversarial as possible, actually. To grow their character.

    Regarding her generation and type of character, I wouldn’t be too surprised to learn that she thought she was actually doing me a favor. Also she co-taught our class with another teacher who quite openly disliked boys in general and me in particular. Which was probably also a factor.

  • I’ve always had bad grades, so for that one test my mom studied very hard with me. After grades were given back, my teacher came up to me and literally said that the performance was worthy of a 2 (B) but she’s given me a 4 (D) again, to motivate me.

    Needless to say, motivation was not achieved.

    Furthermore, it’s one of the core experiences that led me to mentally check out of the school system eventually and still fuels my distrust of authorities and institutions to this day, almost 20 years later. Well done Frau Bauer.

  • The problem is, that the law is not absolute. Neither in it’s writing nor it’s application.

    Large companies regularly break the law (especially data protection) and face very little consequences. Either because they can afford a staff of lawyers to find and build loopholes, or through schmoozing with the right desicion makers. Paying a fine of 20 million is not much when you made 20 billion (20 thousand million) in profit.

    Even more so, very large companies (think Facebook or Google) hold enough political power to influence or even change laws.

  • It’s also enabled by default.

    Edit: Apparently it’s not enabled by default. I tried brave some time ago and remembered that it was enabled, which promoted me to uninstall it immediately. Maybe it was enabled by default then, maybe I misremembered.

    Having a VPN basically just means sending your traffic (albeit encrypted) to someone else’s server, before sending it to the wider internet.

    That means if you don’t specifically disable it, everything you do in the brave browser could theoretically be logged, processed and analyzed by the owners of brave.

    Even if the traffic itself is still encrypted, like with online banking, just knowing how many people in a certain city use which bank for example, could be very interesting to advertisers.

    Depending on how evil they are, they could also log extensive amounts of user data, just waiting for the day it becomes legal to sift through it (just like a lot of governments do).

    Or maybe they just log and sell your data even though it’s illegal. Like a lot of companies do all the time (see Cambridge Analytical scandal etc.).

    Or maybe they don’t. But if I was a browser company I’d sure enjoy having all my users route all their traffic through servers I control.