The cat with anger issues and severe trauma - Valkyr!

Release date: 2013-11-20

Passive: Valkyr is nimble, able to recover from knockdown 50% faster and is immune to Hard Landings, landing with no touchdown delay.
Rip Line - Valkyr hurls forth a hook. If it hits an enemy, she pulls them to her. If it hits terrain, she pulls herself to the hook’s location.
Warcry - Valkyr lets out a rallying cry that bolsters her allies melee speed while slowing down nearby enemies.
Paralysis - Valkyr unleashes her shields, stunning and damaging enemies around her.
Hysteria - Valkyr is imbued with energy and becomes a ball of vicious rage, capable of unleashing a torrent of deadly claw attacks on unsuspecting foes.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints can be obtained from defeating Alad V on Themisto, Jupiter.

  • Xideta
    1 year ago

    Valkyr is one of my friend’s main frame, and it’s always fun to see him slide attack and rip line through the map faster than I can parkour. He’s MR8, and likely will stay that way forever, but don’t let that fool you if you ever see him. Content, no matter how easy or hard, all gets reduced to trying to keep up with that spinning top of death, who already completed the objective and is at extraction before the last guy made it out of the spawn room.

    Semi-joking about friends aside, Valkyr is an awesome, yet often undervalued frame, and easily one of the strongest and most versatile frames.

    Her passive is honestly one of my favourite quality of life things, and I’m happy we got a mod that replicates it, so I can do dumb stuff occasionally, and not be punished with a hard landing animation.

    Rip Line trivialises rooms that otherwise requires more than a single bullet jump to get through. It feels almost as fast as Zephyr’s 1 at times, and to me is much more fun than going spoiler mode and void slinging past the parkour rooms I’m slow at.

    Warcry takes any awful weapon and makes it workable, if not directly fun, with an argument for easy infinite duration. Honestly, there isn’t a singular weapon in the game where you’d go “You know, I feel like this is the perfect amount of speed, more would ruin it” (Except some throwables, but you don’t use them for the melee anyway).

    Paralysis… At least you can put something useful there with helminth.

    Hysteria is well… It’s meme(ing) strike from the days of old, but I honestly kinda liked that play style. Smack some corrosive on the claws, and they take out any steel path enemy comfortably. If you want to make it really dumb, slot Shattering Impact instead, and you’ve got a passive full armour strip that works on everything. The energy requirements can get a bit silly, but we’ve got a lot of ways to deal with that now.

    And unlike the other murder mayhem frame, Garuda, you get to actually equip a melee weapon in addition to your perfectly balanced IPS claws. Something I’m very jealous of, as Garuda’s claws are neither a proper melee (in melee only sorties) nor an ability, so they sometimes just end up taking all your screen space when aiming.