I’ll admit it: I hate classic rock radio because I’ve heard everything they play a zillion times.
I miss old school radio where DJs would delve into a radio station’s record archives and play great sounding but obscure tracks.
Locally, I’ve found a show, All Your Old Records on KPFA that does just that. Every Wednesday from 10pm - 12am PST, but also available for web streaming. Note: It’s a public radio station in the US, so they beg for donations to the station in the middle of the show. Note 2: The playlists for each show on the website are NOT accurate at all.
Does anyone have any recommendations for stations, shows or podcasts?
Noice! Thanks, I’ll be checking those out for sure!
Re: “Making them go green” When writing a comment, highlight the text you want to make into a link, then click the icon that looks like a chain.
On the web interface it’s on top of the comment text, 3rd from the right, and looks like a chain “link” (get it?).
Apps should have a similar “chain link” icon above or below the comment text.
You should see something that looks like this:
[Turn this text into a link to a web page]()
Then, you paste the web page URL in between the parentheses, like so:
[Turn this text into a link to a web page](http://www.thisisawebpage.com)
This results in green text that’s also a link to a web page, like so:
Turn this text into a link to a web page
Alternatively, you can just type the square brackets
and parentheses()
manuallyBut just pasting the URL after text like you did works fine. It’s less work, and is often more clear. It’s just a style preference.
p.s. missing links to some shows in your post
It’s All About Punk Show from Hamburg by DJ Iggy Punx https://www.mixcloud.com/itsallaboutpunkshow/stream/
Henry Rollins on KCRW (Santa Monica, CA) https://www.kcrw.com/music/shows/henry-rollins Just a quick listen, and his playlist is legit! Thanks!
p.s.s We used to have Greg Kihn as a local morning show DJ on KUFX but he just played standard overplayed classic rock IIRC.