June 28 (Reuters) - A growing proportion of non-European Union citizens ordered to leave EU territory are being returned to countries outside the bloc as part of efforts to rein in irregular migration, data from the EU’s statistics office shows.

  • YourPrivatHater
    3 months ago

    Exactly, thats what im arguing and uncontrolled immigration is a problem for our society, just as the rise in antisemitism or right wing idiology are.

    And there is no human right to getting to stay in EU when you traveled through other countries first. Ukraine is a different story. This isn’t meant offensive, its just a fact.

    The way to strengthen the weakest link is to reduce the number of people destroying it from inside and giving those that work with us the tools to repair it better, so, throw out people that don’t belong here due to crimes (actual crimes not a parking ticket or shit like that) or involvement in organizations that are considered problematic. And the way to reduce the number of people of destroying it from the outside is to do better Educational work especially in structural weak regions and settle more people from that weak link there (unless they are at risk for violence, i wouldn’t settle gay people in rural Saxony for example…)