Recently there has been an upsurge in lamentation for the demise of invaders portrayed in various formats herein. No matter how well intentioned it comes across as sympathizing with the invaders, and without fail incites anger and vitriol. While understandable, emotional responses that exceed common decency will still be dealt with per server rules. However, I feel the need to clarify what Rule 1 “Remember the Human” means in this community:

It means “remember the humans, probably not even in frame, being forced to perform these traumatizing actions”. Deaths of invaders are just and deserve no sympathy here particularly because it is insensitive to the innocent people forced to endure these (and far worse) atrocities daily.

Are you personally horrified at the tragedies readily on display here? That’s fine. We understand War has a cost on humanity. It is unpleasant by design and this isn’t news. That said, we’d prefer if seeing the reality deeply upsets you that you simply not visit here, or, at the very least you are now expected to keep your lamentations out of this community because like it or not it comes across as mocking the true victims in all this: the Ukrainian civilians subjected to daily warcrimes, and their valiant protectors risking their lives and PTSD to defend them.