Art gets lost for a variety of reasons, the artist purges their gallery, a site changes its rules, a site shuts down. Sometimes if you look hard enough you can find something, sometimes you find evidence it existed and sometimes everything is lost to the sands of time. Do you have anything you wished you saved? Do you have anything you swear you saw at one point and were never able to find again? Any other thoughts on lost art?

    10 months ago

    I’m a developer and have been building an bookmark app for this reason. Previously I use app called Pocket, now, but I also want to have something that can be self hosted so that I can fully own my own data. Additionally I want to add a feature to archive the whole webpage.

    So yeah it’s becoming a big project and it’s gonna take a while, and worst of all I’ve been having a burn out so the project is on halt.

    But you can do this by using though, im pretty sure