It can sometimes be hard to separate the artist from their art. Are there any artists who were bad people but whose work you still enjoy?

Feel free to answer if you’re in the opposite scenario: an artist who you love personally but don’t enjoy their artwork.

Feel free to respond more than just music artists!

    10 months ago

    Marilyn Manson - he had a slow slide from alcoholism to lecher creep to serial abuser. he spent 2009-2011 doing the worst shit to women that you can imagine.

    Brand New - turns out that Jesse was a groomer of underage girls.

    Arcade Fire - Win Butler is a sex pest.

    Smashing Pumpkins - not at all in the same category as the others, but goddamn does Billy Corgan suck. he was always known as a first-class egotist, but he just kept being an asshole long after his prime had become a distant memory. then the weird shit started: crackpot conspiracy theories on Myspace, palling around with Alex Jones on Infowars, dropping alt-right buzzwords in interviews. the latest album is an extended allegory on cancel culture. worse, it’s mostly unlistenable.

      9 months ago

      palling around with Alex Jones on Infowars, dropping alt-right buzzwords in interviews

      That saddens and actually kinda shocks me.

      I would have expressed ZERO surprise to news of him going so far to the LEFT that he ended up miles beyond hippie dippie new agey and founded his own Heaven’s Gate cult (The central belief of the which was that followers could transform themselves into immortal extraterrestrial beings by rejecting their human nature, and they would ascend to heaven)…but this is…honestly weirding me out.

      Wasn’t he going so far into eastern spirituality that he was recording himself reading the entirety of the Bhagavad Gita at one point or something?