So either a trait or idea someone has that others make fun of, that saves the day?

My example:

Mine is back in 7th grade there was going to be a chocolate fondue day. 5 kids volunteered to bring chocolate chips for the chocolate fountain, then everyone else just said what they would bring. Most people said like marshmallows, Graham crackers, pretzels, the like.

One kid said he’s bringing chocolate bars. The teacher was confused and actively tried to discourage this idea. But the kid was insistent that dipping cold chocolate bars in a chocolate fountain was amazing. Some kids even made fun of him a bit, but the teacher moved on cause at the end of the day he could could bring what he wanted and it was all volunteer so can’t be picky.

The day comes along and… most of the kids who were supposed to bring the chocolate chips for the chocolate fountain didn’t. The fountain couldn’t even start with how little chocolate showed up. I think only one person brought a bag, which was not enough at all for a class of 25.

Then comes in our Rudolph with a giant bag of fun sized hershy milk chocolate bars.

There was no clapping or anything dramatic, but as soon as he showed up the teacher pulled him aside and a few minutes later his chocolate bars had been melted in the teacher break room and chocolate fountain day was saved!

    9 个月前

    My wife takes the piss out of me for turning every task into a spreadsheet, but who ate a perfectly cooked, stress-free Christmas dinner exactly when it was supposed to be ready? We all fucking did, that’s who.

      9 个月前

      As a fellow spreadsheet nerd, can you explain your plan of attack? Like, how many dishes and how varied are the cooking temps/times in order to make everything come out of the oven and off the stove in time? And do you account for variables like washing utensils for reuse and/or operator error? I’m so uncoordinated in the kitchen that I can turn a 45 minute recipe into a 90 minute recipe just because I’m scrambling to find the right spices or washing utensils between uses or I spend too much time measuring things with absolute precision.

      If I could plot out the entirety of the process in a series of Excel tables, I might actually be able to cook a meal efficiently.