Seattle area, about 30 feet up in a tree. A few small dark flying insects were buzzing around it but I couldn’t see them clearly.
Seattle area, about 30 feet up in a tree. A few small dark flying insects were buzzing around it but I couldn’t see them clearly.
I would guess it’s a Hyphantria cunea nest, Fall Webworm. They’re harmless, neat things
Or, if you’re an entomophobe, TREE HORROR.
Is the Fall Webworm similar to Tent Moth Caterpillars?
Living in NC & we get tons of tent moth caterpillars every year.
They’re adorably destructive lil foliage decimators.
Yup, very similar! Although I’m pretty sure the idea that tent caterpillars are destructive is a myth? I read that they’re very unlikely to cause any actual harm to the trees. I think it started just because humans consider the webs an eyesore?
I think you’re right about the damage. They definitely make a mess out of the leaves, but the leaves grow back & the actual tree, bush, or plant seems fine.