I made a post a few days ago asking your opinion on Manjaro and it was very mixed, with a slightly negative overall opinion. I heard some recommend EndeavourOS instead and did some online research and it seems to be pretty solid and not have the repository problem that Manjaro has.

Just for context I am a Linux noob and have only used Mint for about the past six months. While I don’t have any major complaints, I am looking to explore more distros and the Arch repository with its rolling releases. I am not a huge fan of how certain packages on apt are a few years old and outdated. However, I also don’t have the time to be always configuring my OS and just want something that works well out of the box.

Is EndeavourOS a solid choice?

  • baldissara@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    There are people in this thread saying things may break in Arch based distros, but I couldn’t disagree more. From my personal experience Arch is very stable and since I started using it 3y ago it has been rock solid. When I was using Ubuntu I sometimes had to deal with dependency conflicts and missing packages from the official repo that was very annoying to solve

    • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
      1 year ago

      Ubuntu doesn’t run into dependency issues if you stick with the official repos, just like Arch won’t if you don’t enable the AUR. If you add external repositories or enable the AUR, all bets are off.

      The AUR also suffers from abandonment and dependency issues, sometimes blocking major upgrades. It all depends on what software you want to use.

      • vd1n@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        The AUR also suffers from abandonment and dependency issues, sometimes blocking major upgrades.

        Sounds like a perfect match for me.