But then he gives a little moral and the end of the episode. During the nightmare: "Still looking for cottage cheese, Karen? Maybe it was inside you the entire time! Ha! Ha! Ha! " Then she screams to get the manager and slowly melts to a blob of cottage cheese. Then Freddy scoops some in a bowl, puts in some peaches, and says " Make sure you have a balanced diet, kids! This is a healthy snack, right Karen? Ha! Ha! Ha!
I was watching He-Man recently and the PSAs at the end are kind of funny since Man-at-Arms talks about how practical jokes can make your friends lose an arm, eye, or life. They were straight shooters in the 80s!
But then he gives a little moral and the end of the episode. During the nightmare: "Still looking for cottage cheese, Karen? Maybe it was inside you the entire time! Ha! Ha! Ha! " Then she screams to get the manager and slowly melts to a blob of cottage cheese. Then Freddy scoops some in a bowl, puts in some peaches, and says " Make sure you have a balanced diet, kids! This is a healthy snack, right Karen? Ha! Ha! Ha!
I was watching He-Man recently and the PSAs at the end are kind of funny since Man-at-Arms talks about how practical jokes can make your friends lose an arm, eye, or life. They were straight shooters in the 80s!
Yeah! They taught me not to hide in old refrigerators or I’ll die.