That chibi Tsukasa in panel 3 looks positively angelic. “Too cute… HHHnNGG…!” <- Why it’s tagged NSFW. Totally not because it’s some bamboozling Tsukasa would do. Nope. Not at all.

I, too, like corn. Buttered and in a cup, that is. Not on pizza. NOT ON PIZZA

u/lhonginis posted this cute image in a comment and I was curious to see what else the artist Rokugo Daisuke, who apparently made a couple of Touhou games - one of which is on Steam) made. Came across this partially translated image that was easy enough to complete.

TL notes:

  1. Trying out a new style of directly overlaying SFX translations on the image (as compared to writing their translations in the translator’s notes or drawing a textbox to cover the original text). Looks slightly better than the latter but not as neat as the former. In this case the SFX contributed directly to the image’s meaning, so it was worth the additional effort (of double-outlining the SFX text) to directly overlay it.
  2. The katakana for the third panel translates directly to “young corn”, but I’m not sure if this has the meaning in Japanese of “fresh corn.”

Artist Commentary: None.

“Clickbait? Why, whatever could you mean?”

Source: “Corn-loving Tsukasa-chan” by Rokugou (NSFW)