The world has always been going the shit and will continue to go to shit until the end of time. It takes mountains to influence the tides of nations. You should take the responsibilities you can bear, but no more.

    8 个月前

    I will say that even with all we see the world. It is not going to shit it’s very much improving better than the world my parents lived in. On a long enough timeline we win, When it comes to social political change. So the world is great in all but one aspect and that’s the climate and with that I can’t do shit about it.

    So I may not be able to save the world but I can be one of the helpers that make someone life just a little bit better.

    it could be helping out at a shelter. paying for someones meal at a restaurant. telling someone you like the thing they created. all of it helps while we brace for the hardships of crisis created by men long dead and their undead, unfeeling Corps still impacting our world.