Hey all,

I want to get your opinion on allowing mixed AI + manually manipulated art.

Traditionally in the art world, there are examples of art that include the modification of others’ artwork, mixed media inlcuding other art or media, etc. Initially I allowed some of the mixed AI + manually manipulated artwork because I felt that it fell into this type of category. However, we’ve received several reports on these due to the community rule stating that AI art is not allowed. Sometimes the lines of what can be considered original work and what is “copied” can be quite blurry.

I wanted to see how you all felt about including this type of art. This is a space for you, so I would rather leave the final decision up to those who take part in this community.

Let me know in the comments, and I’ll adjust the community rules accordingly.

Edit: OK, seems like the people have spoken. I’ll adjust the wording in the rules so that it is clear. I’ll leave up the posts that I allowed before, but moving forward we won’t be allowing any more AI content, even if it is manually manipulated.

  • sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works
    8 months ago

    What this community seems to be, to me, is a place for people to share the art they’ve personally created with a wholly positive response. It’s for people learning, those less serious, and the dedicated to come together and show off what they’ve done. The AI part was not done by you, nor do you have permission to use that art.

    Two questions come to mind. Firstly, would I be able to take the art posted here, alter it, post it back and never credit the original artist stating it as entirely my creation? Secondly, if we see the AI part as the posters creation, why ban AI art at all? Lastly, how much AI is allowed?

    I don’t think we should allow this. I would like a community that allows people to show off their personal skills, no matter what level. Allowing partial AI art does not fit into that place. Look at a recent post where, though the self made art is simply fantastic with a great style, the entire background was an AI generated city.

    Full disclosure, I contribute (via code) to a small AI art application that only takes art we have permission for.

    If I take some random piece of art online and past it into Photoshop before altering it that art isn’t my art. Sure, it may take alot of skill and effort to create the changes but in the end It’s still plagiarism. Look at the controversy around a magic the gathering artist tracing another, smaller artists work. They were fired, and the act is seen as plagiarism. How does doing the same with AI change the act? On the topic of other art taking pieces and integrating it into their work, they use fair use doctrine. It’s made as a parody of the art, and the original art is obviously credited in some way. In ai, you credit nobody for their work. It’s not taking the design of a can of campbells soup like Warhol, where you can tell where he got the original, it’s tracing the art from hasbeen hotel and pretending it’s your own.

    Look, if you have permission from every person involved in the model to use their art in said model, I have no issue with it but that’s not currently the case.

    I could go into why, but this is already going to be fairly very large, but by necessity all output from a model must come from the original training data