Hello there.

The one weak point I have in being a DM is combat. If it’s anything non-magical, I’m alright at it. But the moment magic is thrown in, with non magic combat, and you have a party of 6 players with multiple enemies, and players with character abilities that are all over the place, it gets overwhelming to the point where I’m intimidated.

I’ve read guides, watched videos, read the official 5e DM book, and it’s still not clicking for me.

Please give me your tips on how to tackle this!

  • DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca
    1 年前

    Lots of great suggestions but none really focussed on your concern about keeping track of magic in combat. If this is a question of keeping track of buffs, concentration, magical effects, or conditions, I found using “condition rings” on the players’, creatures’, and NPCs’ minis made this much easier. I started off with just the plastic rings off milk jugs or pop bottles, but fancy ones with the words written right on them make a nice gift request for a birthday etc.