For me it was the plandemic. Mike Maloney -> Austrian School -> PM -> Lurk 4chan -> Bitcoin is da fuchar! -> Lemme mine BTC -> Not profitable -> Buy on Cohenbase -> Wish there was a private BTC -> Realizing I had blocked XMR general on /biz/ -> What is this? UwU -> Monerochad infopoast about atomic swap -> Holy Shit -> Sell LINK to buy XMR -> Sell ETH to buy XMR -> Swap 50 Euroinos to buy XMR -> Holy Shitterinos on Dread forum -> Dump 1 month salary into XMR -> …

Yea, that was me.

    1 year ago

    I was into stocks, all r/wallstreetbets-like. I went all-in on GME and made insane gains only to be wiped out by all the shitty brokers DISABLING the BUY BUTTON. Only didn’t loose all my money because my mom begged me to cash out my initial at the very top. After that fiasco I was like “fuck it, if it is going to be like this I might as well invest in crypto where I know upfront that it’s manipulated af”. I don’t know how exactly I came to Monero but I was looking for fundamentals and after a few days investigating some rank 6000 shitcoin I realized that Monero was and still is the only god damn currency that is used. I then proceeded to put all my savings into Monero during a CSGO match. I haven’t made money from Monero going up but I did make a lot of good friends since then and learned a lot of FOSS-related things, I am really happy with how things went <3