I’m very interested to know what this community would say they’d carry for their three gun, should a revolution or a bugout happen. What people choose on his topic is always incredibly interesting to me. If you are unaware of what three gun is, I have a post on this community already all about it.

For the Pistol, I’d like to carry a m1911, or any copy of it. It’s a fuckin wonderful sidearm, what else do I really have to say about it? It entered into military service with the U.S. Army about 100 years ago, and was only replaced due to modernization efforts. In fact, many government organizations continued to use it long after it left service, and some still carry it to this day.

I am a big fan of the idea of using a single barrel break-action shotgun for my shotgun choice. In my possession is a, honestly, garbage break-action manufactured for some company that only made a few thousand guns before going out of business, the name of the company isn’t even on the gun, I had to find that via researching the model number. But, even though it’s shitty and rarely strikes the primer with enough force, I would be willing to stake my meals on the thing. Because the only logical thing I could need a shotgun for is hunting. And even if it fails to go off 9 out of 10 times, I’ll still be able to score myself a racoon every other blue moon.

Then to close out, I’m very obviously biased towards Soviet arms. It’s a tough call to be perfectly honest. I’ve owned many AK variants, I’ve owned a plethora of Mosins, I’ve shot stores worth of SKS’s, it’s pretty hard to choose one. I have, ultimately, narrowed it down to a coin toss. Allow me to explain my reasoning. The AK platform is wonderful, but I’ve carried it in combat in the form of an RPK, I know first hand that even with an optic I wouldn’t want to hunt deer with it. The Mosin is a phenomenal rifle and the calibre is well worth the investment. But, it’s a bit slow and if I run low on rounds, I’ll be out of a rifle for a while. Then the SKS gives me all of the benefits the Mosin gave me, and all of the benefits of the AK platform. But, the limit on rounds is a major drawback. I have to ultimately go with the SKS, and fortunately, the coin landed on heads.

Please feel free to tell me what you would pick and why.