That is interesting. Nothing sociopolitical by the looks of it. His genre was adventure travel and as far as I can see was all stuff like this - the full article for Life magazine is online here, and he also wrote on car racing and hunting in Africa. There’s nothing in his later TV career (which has a bigger footprint) that would suggest any time as a hard hitting journalist; he was mainly into adventure tales.
My search skills on the open internet aren’t great either though, and it wasn’t a deep dive.
That is interesting. Nothing sociopolitical by the looks of it. His genre was adventure travel and as far as I can see was all stuff like this - the full article for Life magazine is online here, and he also wrote on car racing and hunting in Africa. There’s nothing in his later TV career (which has a bigger footprint) that would suggest any time as a hard hitting journalist; he was mainly into adventure tales.
My search skills on the open internet aren’t great either though, and it wasn’t a deep dive.