Happen to know anything about how windowed games work with a tiling manager? I often stream a buddy’s Elden Ring gameplay while playing myself, but having only one screen means I have to have the Discord popout in the top corner and the gameplay in windowed.
I haven’t tried that exact set up myself but in hyprland the default tiling would have your Elden Ring on one half and your friends the other half. Then if you opened up discord it would split one of the halves in half again. If you wanted to have discord instead floating and over top of the stream you could do that, or send it to the next “desktop” over if you don’t need to see it. You can customize each of the tiles however you like, border or no border, you can move them around…
I just started tinkering with this yesterday in Gnome on Pop! and it looked like there are options to exclude certain programs from tiling if that’s what you’re looking for.
In i3wm you can set a key bind to float a window above the tiling and it’ll do just that; You can even automate it with some custom for_window rules if desired.
Switching over to a tiling windows manager has been really enjoyable. It feels like a futuristic paradigm shift
Happen to know anything about how windowed games work with a tiling manager? I often stream a buddy’s Elden Ring gameplay while playing myself, but having only one screen means I have to have the Discord popout in the top corner and the gameplay in windowed.
I haven’t tried that exact set up myself but in hyprland the default tiling would have your Elden Ring on one half and your friends the other half. Then if you opened up discord it would split one of the halves in half again. If you wanted to have discord instead floating and over top of the stream you could do that, or send it to the next “desktop” over if you don’t need to see it. You can customize each of the tiles however you like, border or no border, you can move them around…
I just started tinkering with this yesterday in Gnome on Pop! and it looked like there are options to exclude certain programs from tiling if that’s what you’re looking for.
In i3wm you can set a key bind to float a window above the tiling and it’ll do just that; You can even automate it with some custom
rules if desired.Its hit and miss, likely you have to set up window rules to get a good experiemce.
Yeah it makes a big difference. My desktop experience is quite a bit worse since bismuth stopped working in KDE.