If you read my history you’ll know I’m a nurse applying for a position that’s gonna mean less money but also less physical job, stable sleeping patterns and your regular 5 day workweek.

today I said goodbye to a group of coworkers I like working with. I was discreet about the new job, but I’m gonna miss working with them.

It makes me don’t want to quit.

If you were ever here, how did you solve this?

  • i_stole_ur_taco@lemmy.ca
    2 个月前

    People rarely leave a job because of their coworkers (they leave managers). People working closely together form strong bonds since they’re all working towards the same goal all the time.

    It’d also a handy tool management can use to reduce turnover since employees will often stick around longer than they should have because they felt a sense of loyalty or attachment to their direct team.

    It sucks to leave people, but at the end of the day, your coworkers are your coworkers and it’s just business. Even if you like them, it’s exceedingly unlikely you’ll remain friends for long after leaving the job.

    My only advice is get used to it. After a couple of times, you start to see a pattern of how you get to know (and un-know) coworkers and it doesn’t sting as bad. The really solid friendships can remain, but most you can really let go.