If you read my history you’ll know I’m a nurse applying for a position that’s gonna mean less money but also less physical job, stable sleeping patterns and your regular 5 day workweek.

today I said goodbye to a group of coworkers I like working with. I was discreet about the new job, but I’m gonna miss working with them.

It makes me don’t want to quit.

If you were ever here, how did you solve this?

  • Shard@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I worked construction for a while. Its long days, lost weekends and hard work. I had a great team and enjoyed the work.

    But I also started a family, so after thinking long and hard about it, I told my boss and my team that I’d stay till we finished the project but after that I was done. I wasn’t going to miss my child’s milestones or family time.

    It worked for me because I had a great relationship with my bosses and my teammates, I was a huge contributor and always went the extra mile. There was a strong mutual understanding and there no was malice from either side. Half a year later we finished the work ahead of schedule despite client induced delays. We shook hands on my last day and that was it.

    I still miss the team but I don’t miss the work-life. We still catch up for drinks every now and then. Life is life, pick your priorities and what makes you happy, don’t look back.