Today’s Floating Is Fun’s 3rd anniversary, and it’s recap time! The first year was on Reddit and the second year post was delayed by our migration to the Fediverse, but we’re celebrating on time this time.

After a year of independence from /u/spez, we’ve grown into one of the strongest communities on Fedia! With this post, we have 653 threads, the most of all Fedia communities, though the even more buoyant will overtake us within the next few months. We have 547 subscribers and I am thankful for each and every one of you. Some new posters are leaving their marks, and I no longer have to carry all the posting by myself. I can now slow down on my posts so I can maintain higher quality and participate better with other Fediverse communities. Maybe I’ll finally polish our janky experimental RSS.

Here are your top ten posts between August 14, 2023 and August 3, 2024:

  1. Kiki of the Valley of the Witches by Redlark #levitation - 51 up, 0 down
  2. Anti-Gravity City by Kukka #levitation - 47 up, 0 down
  3. Flying Bunnies by Delphine Doreau #balloons - 45 up, 2 down
  4. Dreams of Flying by Vivian Zhou #levitation - 41 up, 0 down
  5. Witch’s Mount by Xiao Xinyu #levitation - 40 up, 0 down
  6. Marine Day Watermelon by Yukihiro Nakamura #airswimming - 36 up, 0 down
  7. Magic Ship by Kuruuya #balloons - 34 up, 0 down
  8. drop to wonder worlds by TaKaMi_KoU #windpower - 34 up, 0 down
  9. Violet Evergarden by AlbertBaGu #windpower - 33 up, 0 down
  10. kokankada in monsoon by Datta Bhadale #windpower - 34 up, 1 down
  11. Marcille (by Nears) posted by - 33 up, 0 down

This past year, witches and magic users made the biggest impact. You know there’s a whole community for, right? Number one went to Kiki, celebrating her movie’s 35th anniversary this week, in a crossover with Nausicaä, which had its 40th anniversary back in March. I didn’t post nearly enough real-life examples of floating because they’re harder to source correctly, but I’ll try harder next year. No one posted any original content between last year’s recap post and this post, but hopefully this will change.

I appreciate all the support we’ve received on the Fediverse. Let’s make it the best place to post stuff we like! Spread the Fediverse love.

Until next year, don’t let gravity keep you down!