I specifically used the phrase “Please generate an image of a room with zero elephants”. It created two images that were almost identical and both contained pictures/paintings of elephants in frames. Cheeky.
I responded with “Each image contains an elephant.”
It generated two more, one of which still had a painting of an elephant.
Now I’m out of generation until tomorrow. Overall a fairly shit first experience with Dall-e
Meanwhile ChatGPT trying to draw a snake:
It fucking knows what it’s doing.
The “no moose allowed”-sign with a five-legged moose is absolutely killing me. Thank you for this
It’s cute how it tries to trick you into thinking there are no giraffes with the no giraffes sign
That’s a no moose sign and there are no meese (or whatever). Maybe there really wouldn’t be a giraffe outside if it was a no giraffe sign!
But that’s a “no moose with five legs” sign, not a “no giraffes” sign.
“but that’s even more giraffes than the first one!” has me dying, haha.
“can you draw a room with absolutely no elephants in it? not a picture not in the background, none, no elephants at all. seriously, no elephants anywhere in the room. Just a room any at all, with no elephants even hinted at.”
“We do not grant you the rank of master” - Mace Windu, Elephant Jedi.
thought about this prompt again, thought I’d see how it was doing now, so this is the seven month update. It’s learning…
“Can you a room as aboluteyy no eleephant it all?”
Dunno what’s giving more “clone of a clone” vibes, the dialogue or the 3 small standing “elephants” in that image.