Building rail transit and high speed rail transit corridors. Development along them, much like with the highway system in the US started in the 50s would take decades to come to fruition, but would allow much more efficient, affordable living for those who don’t want to spend their lives in metro traffic hells.
The enormous investment of the US highway act, and incredibly large ongoing cost to maintain the absurd amount of roads is never even brought up but is apparent to anyone not living in the insanity it doesn’t have to be this way. Maintenance costs for oems major highway vs. rail is no contest long term.
Building rail transit and high speed rail transit corridors. Development along them, much like with the highway system in the US started in the 50s would take decades to come to fruition, but would allow much more efficient, affordable living for those who don’t want to spend their lives in metro traffic hells.
The enormous investment of the US highway act, and incredibly large ongoing cost to maintain the absurd amount of roads is never even brought up but is apparent to anyone not living in the insanity it doesn’t have to be this way. Maintenance costs for oems major highway vs. rail is no contest long term.