• AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My rogue explicitly told me, “I’ve seen your fireballs, don’t worry about hitting me, I can dodge them.”

    Cue the very next combat against trolls:

    Katherine (my wizard) failed initiative, so even with Improved Initiative she only rolled a 5 and was last, no worries though cause the monk stayed back waiting for her to blast said trolls.

    Fheldar (the rogue) charges one of the three trolls, getting all of their attentions, and whacking one with his firey rapier.

    The cleric hit 2 of them with a flame strike, severely damaging the two Fheldar didn’t hit.

    It finally gets to me and I let off with a damn near perfect fireball hitting all three trolls, plus Fheldar for a whopping 63 points of damage, dropping Fheldar and the trolls.

    He rolled a 1 on his dodge check. We got him resurrected, couldn’t afford a true res at that point. He flipped me off when I asked him about dodging.