The artist was French and this was painted in 1921. Perhaps the wordplay is suggesting the woman is also a bird: beautiful and colourful, like the birds around her.
German language has an informal word for sexual intercourse that could also apply here: “vögeln”, literally “birding” (Vogel is bird, vögeln is the correspondent verb). As French and German share quite a lot of terminology maybe there’s a connection.
Is that title some wordplay persons who are not of English mother tongue don’t understand? Are tits “familiar birds”?
The artist was French and this was painted in 1921. Perhaps the wordplay is suggesting the woman is also a bird: beautiful and colourful, like the birds around her.
German language has an informal word for sexual intercourse that could also apply here: “vögeln”, literally “birding” (Vogel is bird, vögeln is the correspondent verb). As French and German share quite a lot of terminology maybe there’s a connection.
The painter wanted to “bird” her…