A secret society called “the writer’s covenant”? We could be onto something here… Let’s add an overarching father figure that turns out to be the bad guy in the end and some bullshit “ancient riddles” that a 10 year old could solve and are pointless to begin with and Bada bing bada boom, we’ve just written the next Dan Brown novel!
narrative what
It’s where narrators convene to discuss the dumb shit their protagonists did instead of heed the call.
A secret society called “the writer’s covenant”? We could be onto something here… Let’s add an overarching father figure that turns out to be the bad guy in the end and some bullshit “ancient riddles” that a 10 year old could solve and are pointless to begin with and Bada bing bada boom, we’ve just written the next Dan Brown novel!
Narrative convents. The explanation is nun of your business.
Narrative Covenant, when you decide to do a dune/halo crossover.
Narrative conveyance. It’s the movie’s means of transportation.
I should really pay closer attention to auto correct.