After watching this video, I’m tempted to give it a try myself. The idea of swapping out traditional CLI tools for Rust-based alternatives is intriguing, and I’m curious to know if anyone has undertaken such an endeavor.

I’m also on the lookout for dotfiles that primarily feature configurations for Rust tools. I find it both educational and entertaining to explore other people’s configurations. I stumbled upon this repository, but I’m interested in discovering more if possible.

    11 months ago

    Insightful comment! This is what we need to build a good community!!

    If you don’t like MIT/BSD licensing it’s fine with me, but to claim those that use it is stupid or exploited because of their choices. These are people far smarter than you and capable of making their own choices.

    My understanding is that FreeBSD has no issues with Apple basing their OS on FreeBSD. But you guys probably know better

      11 months ago

      I tend to agree with this take; as a pedantic side note, though, I’m not sure that OS X was ever based on FreeBSD – they took the unix userland, sure; but from the very start (NextSTEP), the kernel was derived from the Mach kernel, which itself was a fork of the 4.3BSD kernel; and the core libraries were written from scratch, all in the interests of marketing “quick application development” capability to Next’s customers. (Actually there’s an interview with S. Jobs somewhere where he lays this out very clearly; it was the late 80s/early 90s, the heyday of object-oriented toolkits & VMs after all)

      I’m sure they’ve helped themselves liberally to the FreeBSD kernel for features; though still, OS X never was ‘based on’ FreeBSD (let alone a ‘FreeBSD with a pretty coat of paint’, as people like to say).