• rdri@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Sure, and there’s good reason to believe they weren’t actually elected.

    They operate Gaza and all the humanitarian aid. If someone has power over Gaza it’s them. And if not, then there is no one to talk to.

    Bro they’ve killed 3000 plus kids in less than a month

    3000 Palestinians? These numbers come from hamas so they are not to be trusted by default. Also, you have to consider how hamas forces Israel to attack civillian infrastructure by firing missiles from it. And hamas doesn’t provide any defense for Palestinians, and they say it’s not their responsibility. Man, “let us fire rockets at Jews, don’t let them attack us back, don’t stop those funds coming so we could build more rockets, and look how we promise to repeat mad attacks again and again until we destroy Israel, because we are victims”, pretty cool guys. And people are like “wtf do as they say, they are freedom fighters”.

    When did Israel act unprovoked? Like at least once a week for 30 years, pay attention.

    Please provide exact cases of 2 unprovoked attacks between September 22 and October 7.

    • Madison420@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      They operate part of Gaza. Also no, there are hundreds of third party groups that organize aid, the fact Israel calls them all Hamas does not make it true.

      Those numbers come from third party groups like the UN. https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties

      Hamas doesn’t force anything, Israel refusing to think of humanity and instead of ground assault just bomb the whole place off the face of earth. if I hold a gun to a child to force a bank robber to give up am I the bad person or are we both shitty examples of humanity?

      Bro, settlers spit from their raised walkways onto Palestinians literally every day. Small slights matter and I’m pretty sure they roof knocked a building on the 19th anyway.