Typically, when looking at such companies history, it might look something like this:
1911: Founded in Hinterwalddorf by the two Goldstein brothers under the name “Goldstein Maschinenbau GbR”
1918: First branch in Nachbardorf, beginning of market expansion
1925: 100th branch openedin Hauptstadt, revenue increases
1933: First international branch in Austria
1938: Goldstein brothers leave the company, transfering ownership to the Wolf family
1939: Renaming of the company to “Reichsmaschinengesellschaft AG”
1947: Reestablishment of the company by the two youngest nephews of the Wolf family as “Hinterwalddorfer Maschinen GmbH”
Not so fun fact: The company that made the protective paint for the Holocaust memorial in Berlin owned significant shares in one of the Cyankali suppliers for the gas chambers.
Typically, when looking at such companies history, it might look something like this:
1911: Founded in Hinterwalddorf by the two Goldstein brothers under the name “Goldstein Maschinenbau GbR”
1918: First branch in Nachbardorf, beginning of market expansion
1925: 100th branch openedin Hauptstadt, revenue increases
1933: First international branch in Austria
1938: Goldstein brothers leave the company, transfering ownership to the Wolf family
1939: Renaming of the company to “Reichsmaschinengesellschaft AG”
1947: Reestablishment of the company by the two youngest nephews of the Wolf family as “Hinterwalddorfer Maschinen GmbH”
Not so fun fact: The company that made the protective paint for the Holocaust memorial in Berlin owned significant shares in one of the Cyankali suppliers for the gas chambers.