You’ll have to click the article for the 10 tips!

Whether you’re greening your backyard, balcony or back paddock, our tips for plastic free planting not only reduce waste, they can save you money too.

Avoid accumulating black plastic seedling trays or punnets and save money by raising your own baby plants from seed! Seed is often sold in paper packets that can be recycled or composted - no plastic.

Our tips so far have generally been cheap as well as plastic free - this tip is about when it pays to spend more.

Rather than buying compost and other soil improvers in packaging, a plastic free option is to try making your own, enlisting the help of worms and other decomposers! A healthy compost heap is a great asset, transforming your food waste into a nutrient-rich resource for free.

These are just a few tips to get you started - but we’re sure you can come up with quite a few of your own plastic free ideas for greening Australia.