Galaxy s23. Cannot change volume. Have to leave the app, change volume, and come back.
Same on a S21. Guess it’s a Samsung issue. Can’t get it to work at all.
Would be nice for a comment Navigation panel at the bottom of the screen too
Turn off comment navigation with volume buttons in the settings.
That was it. Thank you.
TIL there is such a feature as “navigation with volume buttons”
And is enabled by default!?
It sounds like a terrible feature, but it really works in some circumstances. A minesweeper app I had long ago allowed swapping between flagging and uncovering by pressing the volume buttons, and let me tell you, what an amazing feature that was. You could get almost as good times as you could on a PC, it wasn’t clunky like most mobile minesweeper apps are. Having to tap a flag/uncover icon to swap wastes a few seconds, and long tapping on a square to flag it is just miserable.
ok, speaking minesweeper why would you want the tool to be not flag ever? I just tap the number once I flagged all the mones around it and the no flagged tiles open