Oh man, I remember after we got network cards trying to make an Ethernet cable out of a bunch of old power cords. The error rate was through the roof but it actually worked for like an hour. We eventually walked to the local RadioShack and bit the bullet on buying a cable 😆
I’ve done loads of coax cables back then, not just for those meetings, and later made quite a number of tp cables, too (as part of my job back then). But I had the tools for cutting, crimping, testing, and verifying them and the training, so that was not an issue.
Oh man, I remember after we got network cards trying to make an Ethernet cable out of a bunch of old power cords. The error rate was through the roof but it actually worked for like an hour. We eventually walked to the local RadioShack and bit the bullet on buying a cable 😆
I’ve done loads of coax cables back then, not just for those meetings, and later made quite a number of tp cables, too (as part of my job back then). But I had the tools for cutting, crimping, testing, and verifying them and the training, so that was not an issue.