Godamn. I was at a party last night for the first time in awhile, sorta contemplating existence and stuff and was trying to figure out how people meet each other romantically “in the wild”

I feel like I’m a pretty easy guy to talk to at parties (usually end up just shooting the shit with some person I don’t know too well) and end up in some random lil group where we’re all doing our own thing (idk if that makes sense). But then I think to myself, that has been the cycle of my entire life and is probably why I haven’t branched out of my social group at all. It also doesn’t help that most people at parties are usually intoxicated and their “self” at a party basically disappears the next morning, ya know?

Would breaking out of this cycle be considered coming out of my comfort zone? It’s so hard for me to comprehend because anything else is a different world to me, so I’m starting to believe that’s what people say when they suggest some ND people are very routine-oriented.