There was a Reddit write up that argued Tom was Arda’s spirit itself and had quite a few convincing points. It is pretty clear that (keeping in mind that canon is a bit nebulous beyond the four books JRR actually published) he is probably not a Maia and also probably not Eru, beyond the level that everything is Eru anyways.
Are we all just going to pretend that Tom Bombadil doesn’t exist?
Whatever Tom is, it’s leagues beyond “wizard”.
Tom is not a Maiar, one of the five who were present at the formation of the universe, he is… older.
That would be the Istari, no? Pretty sure there are more than five Maiar…
I just meant the five Maiar who then went on to become Wizards but I phrased it poorly!
My head canon was that Tom was Eru Iluvatar just living his best life enjoying all the things he’d created.
There was a Reddit write up that argued Tom was Arda’s spirit itself and had quite a few convincing points. It is pretty clear that (keeping in mind that canon is a bit nebulous beyond the four books JRR actually published) he is probably not a Maia and also probably not Eru, beyond the level that everything is Eru anyways.
Yes. It’s easier.