So I’ve been hearing the buzz about Linux and gaming and how it’s finally fixed everything and is a perfect replacement for windows. My windows install has definitely accumulated some bloat, so blasting it and trying some Linux for a bit sounds like a solid plan.

Last time I tried this was early Ubuntu days, so I know there’s some… hurtles especially with Nvidia. But at least they’re releasing official drivers now!

So after some research I settled on trying out Fedora. Loaded up a USB, selected live mode… and blank screen. Guess it doesn’t like Nvidia 3080s much. Rebooted, used troubleshooting mode with basic graphics. It loads 1024x768 on my ultra wide which looks about right for Linux.

So I do some digging and find Nobara Linux which is Fedora but all set up for Nvidia and gaming! Perfect! Made a USB, tried to boot live and… Kernel error, could not get further.

So back to base fedora and…

Off to install Nvidia drivers!

After some googling I found RPMfusion is the route to go, and I set down to decipher the cryptic text that is their god awful and confusing how to. After almost 2 hours I managed to get the fucking thing installed and figured out how to UFI disable safe mode on my ASUS ROG, which also was not straightforward. Fuck whatever key process he was trying to describe.

Next up is getting my media server, which is a basic NAS on a SAMBA server up and running. On windows you open up your file explorer, right click under your drives, select “map network drive”, enter username and password and you’re gravy. Or you can find it via network discovery.

So first thing is first, open up file explorer and try to browse via GUI. It sees the workgroup and the server but when I try to open it or click mount it gives the cryptic message “software refuses connection”. After an hour or so of cryptic tutorials involving command line and confusing bullshit I admit defeat, and connected to it as an FTP server. Which worked relatively smoothly.

First thing is first downloaded VLC and played The Expanse Season 5 EP 3 where I’d left off. Success, but some noticable choppiness. Then I tried to jump to a random point in the episode. File crashes. I want to note that FTP streaming over the Internet to my phone using the same damn VLC player doesn’t react like that, nor does Windows. Tried tweaking some settings in VLC to do with performance and the screen is blank when I try to play again, audio works great. Try to reset the settings, still blank. Try rebooting, still blank. Full reinstall of VLC and we’re back in business.

So 3 hours have passed. I barely got my graphics card working and can’t mount a network drive. Plus now I can’t play my media and skip to any point of it meaning I can’t pick up where I left off or jump around the episode to see if I’ve seen it before.

I haven’t even tried gaming.

I’m going to try again tomorrow, but y’all are dirty liars. Linux is still bullshit and has been since I first installed it over 20 years ago. What the hell has the community even accomplished if it still sucks this much dick to use?

    11 months ago

    I’ve had some weird issues with the Fedora file explorer not liking windows shares in the past. A few things to try: Down at the bottom left, click the “+ other locations”, and where it says “enter server address” I use: smb://perplex.local/mediabay/ Perplex is the name of the computer with the share. Mediabay is the shared drive. If I don’t put in the .local, Nada. If I don’t put in the slash, again Nada. Then, it asks me to log in. I put in my username and password, and if I forget to change the domain in the popup from SAMBA to WORKGROUP, again I get nothing. Also, the WORKGROUP has to be in all caps.

    Then I hit connect. Then, I can browse. Also, literally everything has to be in the correct case. smb://Perplex.local isn’t the same as smb://perplex.local.

    Agreed, it’s a pain. However…! Linux has much choice. The file explorer in Fedora isn’t my favorite. (It’s called nautilus, by the way.) I prefer a file explorer called thunar.
    Thunar, for some reason, buries accessing shares in the “Go” menu under “Open Location…”, but seems to work better than nautilus for mounting shares.

    Once you have it mounted via Thunar, it just shows up on the list in nautilus as well, and once it’s mounted, I use VLC to play shares all the time with no trouble.

    I could get into how to use mount points and stuff, but baby steps… It’s just different. Not ‘ass’, just odd. I’ve been Linux-ing for a few years now, and find myself back in Windows for school, and there’s all kinds of Windows bullshit that makes me want to scream, it’s just that it’s different bullshit than the Linux bullshit.

    • Phanlix@lemmy.worldOP
      11 months ago

      So, I actually did try what you suggested earlier. The share isn’t actually on a windows PC it’s on a ASUS AC-3200 router that has Samba sharing capabilities. Gives me the ability to set up an FTP server on my router and access my 22tb NAS from anywhere. Also allows me to easily (when using windows or android) access my media from any PC locally.

      The goal is to mount it permanently instead of having to repeat this process each time, hence the tutorial I posted.

      But I’d settle for it fucking working.

      In ‘other locations’ it actually pulls up the ‘windows network’ and shows ‘workgroup’ and ‘Alexandria_Library’ (my share server). Well… it’s more accurate to say it does that maybe 1/3 of the time, most times it says ‘folder is empty’ on the windows network.

      I can actually type

      smb://Alexandria_library and it pulls up, but from there ‘vault’ is the folder which everything is in. Clicking that and I get an error that says ‘unable to access file location: Failed to mount windows share: software caused connection to abort’.

      For giggles I tried what you suggested. smb://alexandria.local/Vault/. I got excited for a second when it prompted for username and password. But after trying it throws a different error ‘unable to access location: failed to mount windows share: invalid argument’.

      For giggles I tried different variations and capitalization of all that, but no go. My windows domain is WORKGROUP as well, I was able to confirm that.

      So still no go sadly.

        11 months ago

        Hmm… Shot in the dark here… smb://username:password@ipaddress/sharename/ ? I have an OAF router with a USB port that’s samba shareable, and I just got to my files by going: smb://phanto:testpass@ If you can get it to work once, it’s a heck of a lot easier to get a simple fstab mount so your share just sits in a folder, accessible at boot. I know I’m Windows, you can keep a Z drive, I just have a /media folder. Anyone whose smarter than me know what might be the issue?

        • Phanlix@lemmy.worldOP
          11 months ago

          I actually fixed it, you can see what I did on the day 2 post.

          Basically had to modify the file that controls samba sharing, then install another program that does the mounting, then modify that mounting program to do sambav1. It was a bitch and is a process only those of us actually using the ASUS routers deal with since I’m convinced those are the last pieces of hardware produced locked into samba v1.