Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

  • 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ve been working at my company for 39 years (I’ve done a lot of different things in that time, so it isn’t stale). I like the work and the people, and it feels important, but it’s getting tough when the alarm clock goes off, and I’m beat when the day is over. I’m getting ready to pull the plug, but I’d be a liar if I said I had no reservations.

  • Yeah, I thought about it. I’m a manager at my company, and my actual software development skills are pretty antiquated. Could probably do requirements and architecture, but they don’t need me for that (certainly not at my pay level). I can’t be a part time manager. I’m guessing there are a couple things they’ll ask me back for, weird niche experience I have, but those things don’t happen every year.

    I’ll probably be fine. I’m don’t get bored very easily. We’re planning to relocate when I retire, so settling in and exploring will soak up a lot of time for a while. Should be fine.

  • Do you have a game plan for what you’d do? Not rhetorical, I’m curious.

    I worked with a guy who I thought would really love retirement. He and his wife traveled a lot, and he had a couple hobbies he was passionate about. I met him for lunch a couple years later, and he was morose and said he regretted retirement. He said he still loved traveling, but it was something they only wanted to do two, maybe three trips a year. He was excited about doing his hobbies more, but doing them all day felt like it was his job and sucked some of the fun out of them. So he ended up sitting on the couch watching TV all day.

    Meanwhile, the place we work has way more than a normal cross section of brilliant people, and we do super interesting stuff. He said he loved talking with friends and family, but he desperately missed solving problems with literal rocket scientists.

    I’m still going to retire next year, but stories like that give me pause.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldVictory lap!
    10 hours ago

    I started at the place I’m working at now right out of college, and there was a pension that was intended to provide 85% of your final salary from retirement to the end of your life; I would have had all my retirement points at 55. Then like 15+ years ago, the company was sold and the pension was frozen. Still a great thing, but nothing close to what it was supposed to be.

    When I turned 55, I was pretty pissed off about it - I should have been able to retire. Then I realized that I could easily live another 30 years. That’s an awfully long time. Sure, the money would have been nice, but I don’t think I would have wanted to retire then. I’m getting close to it now, and still it seems like a long time potentially.

  • They didn’t argue the product (the content on streaming platforms) was bad,

    Really? How do you interpret the very first sentence?

    Instead you could stop making shitty movies and reheating successful recipes. And stop inventing three new streaming services every week.

    That seems to be saying it’s bad to me.

    they argued the only legal ways you can get the product are not acceptable.

    You know what I do when a product I want is unacceptably expensive or whatever? I don’t buy it. It’s not like we’re talking about food or medicine. This is all lame rationalization.

  • At least now we’ve gotten to the common understanding that it is theft, but you just don’t care. I personally think copyright laws have been good for our society because they’ve allowed people to live off of creating art. You obviously have a different view.

    I’m not at all frustrated by the conversation - it’s like discussing car registration or driver’s licenses with a SovCit. In fact, it’s pretty much exactly like that. It’s interesting for me to see how you rationalize your view, but I don’t expect you to change your mind.