• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Honestly this was true for large parts of USAs history, but that hasn’t been the case for a while now.

    In truth our democrat and republicans reps have almost no similar voting history, they vote the opposite of each other on almost every issue.

    Below is a good visualization of what I mean. You can see that from the 50’s to the 80’s, there was really quite a bit of voting overlap by the parties, so during that period, you’d be right, both parties could be consider the same or similar.

    But for the last 30 years or so, democrats and republicans have had very little overlap on what they vote in favor for. It’s party line votes on almost everything.

    So how people can say “both parties are the same”, when they vote the opposite on almost everything is beyond me.

    And that’s not even taking into account executive actions, like for example for the last 50 years or so every democrat president has provided contraceptives as part of foreign aid, and every republican has not.

    We may not have options in terms of political parties to choose from, which I agree is bad, but saying both parties are the same is to be willfully blind.


  • You seem to attribute the housing affordability crisis the last few years to WFH-ers, but isn’t it more fair to say that there are multiple other factors contributing to it?

    Not just the post COVID appreciation for housing, but things like historically high percentage of investor owned homes (including corporate and foreign buyers), and historically low building rates compared to projected need, to name a few.

    So then the question becomes, which of these should we focus on? For me, that means what gives you the most positives, and least negatives.

    Let’s look at three options:

    1. Banning corporate and foreign non-occupying homeowners from owning American residential real estate
    2. Rezoning low density areas (particularly single story commercial/retail in smaller cities and towns’ downtowns) into vertical dense mixed use residential and commercial/retail development
    3. Ending work from home

    1 and 2 accomplish our primary goal of reducing home prices across the country, both by increasing supply (1 would too, since those investors would need to sell, increasing supply), and 1 would also reduce demand. 3 does not, because any price reductions in rural areas will be offset by higher rates in urban one

    2 also gives us positive secondary benefit of encouraging walkable cities, which leads to health improvements, less traffic, and reduced climate impact. 1 would also increase business investment, encouraging long term growth, if the “money printer” option of buying US residential properties and collecting rent is not available.

    3 gives us no positive secondary benefits, and since it does essentially the opposite of 2 in terms of walkability, it also is the only one with a high negative cost.

    So pretty clearly that idea is the worst one for solving housing affordability. So why support it when their are other much better options available to accomplish your goal?

  • Ultimately the best way to meet people, and especially to grow and maintain those connections, is to have the same hobbies as them.

    Do you like sports? Join an adult league Do you like reading? Join a book club Do you like tabletop games? Use Reddit’s r/LFG, or look for a local meetup group, and find some people there.

    Ultimately it’s hard to make new friends when you have nothing to tie you to them long term.

    People have set routines, and it can be difficult to have them make time for a stranger initially.

    But if you join group doing something you enjoy, you already a part of their lives through that. You also have an easy source of conversation, talking about whatever your joint interest is.

  • To echo what some people have said, if you haven’t changed jobs in the last year or two; you absolutely should do so.

    As you’ve realized, there’s only so much you can do on the cost side to have things balance. Cost of living has risen relentlessly, but thankfully in many areas wages are finally growing too, and new hires usually get the higher rates.

    So not changing jobs frequently, especially in the industries you mentioned, is just leaving money on the table.

    Aside from that, definitely look into trades, but also look into local government, healthcare (like being a patient scheduler at a hospital), really any industry you are looking to break into as a career.

    They really need the help now, especially for entry level positions, and if you do a good job, you could parlay that into a career in an industry you’re excited about.

    So spend like 30 minutes each day looking for jobs, and don’t stop until you’re hired. Remember, even if you end up hating it, you can always quit and get rehired immediately in industries you’re more familiar with, because they also desperately need help too.