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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2022


  • Indeed. The article is pathetically low on details, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Stewart actually cut ties because they didn’t want him doing an hour of sissypea bashing on the flimsiest horseshit and he didn’t back down. I’m sure he’d feel all smug and self-righeous about it too, the hwite hero of a billion and half oppressed chinese.

    Stewart’s pet project is defending the emergency service workers who participated during WTC attacks. If he really gave a shit he’d be speaking out against usian military endeavours at every turn so that such an attack wouldn’t happen again, yet he’s nowhere to be found.

  • You? Apparently not. But to the best of their ability people answer honest questions here. “If capitalism is so great and a shirt travels the world 5 times before getting to the shop why’re there tens of millions without access to sanitation and clean water” is a fair question.

    Also, the high estimates of the famines in socialist states are measured exactly in the manmer you decried. If you could read the bottom text, you’d underatand this is intentional.

  • Kids have always dreamed of vocations. Kids feel that calling sense in a much purer way than adults can. They want to sing so they want to be a star. They want to make new things, invent stuff, so they want to be scientists. They want to be cool as shit so they want to become astronauts.

    Capitalism fucks that up in so many ways. I’m not even talking about the fact that western kids today want to be streamers. Nowadays (as in as has been for decades) there’s no calling, even kids realise that being the lowest grunt in whatever organisation isn’t much of a goal so they also dream of “advancement”, except that means doing less of the thing you want to do to manage. And if you advance enough, you get to not do that thing you went in to do.

    Worst of it all, this is just what we face as kids. To say nothing on the alienation we suffer from, to feel like an animal doing human actions and human fulfilling animal needs. Folks got so used to the term wage slavery that they don’t even comprehend how inhuman labour under capitalism is.